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CAS Number: 55562-83-9 Product Catalog

Sodium Sodium 5-methylcyclopenta-1,3-diene, 1.6M in Tetrahydrofuran
CAS Number: 55562-83-9
MDL Number:
Molecular Formula: C6H7Na
Formula Weight: 102.11
Chemical Formula: CH3C5H4Na
Color and Form: clear red liquid
Note: Product and trademark of Ascensus Specialties LLC

Stability: air sensitive, moisture sensitive

Safety: Hazardous - an additional Dangerous Goods freight charge may apply

Physical Characteristics: flash point 1°F, density 0.918


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11-1401 Sodium 5-methylcyclopenta-1,3-diene, 1.6M in Tetrahydrofuran

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